A&E Clothing offers American second hand shoes collected in New York and New Jersey states. All shoes are inspected, sorted into different categories. Many of our customers come back after checking the quality and making good profit reselling second hand shoes. Company deals with used shoes bulk quantities all across the world, shipping to any destination ports. High heel shoes and unpaired/mixed/paired shoes are available with a special discount.
Grade 1
Grade 1 stands as our top-selling category, featuring shoes thoughtfully paired with elastic bands. This grade includes both major and lesser-known brands, and while used shoes may exhibit some signs of wear, they are free from holes or tears and maintain good overall condition. The assortment spans across ladies’, men’s, and children’s footwear, with each bag containing a minimum of 7 pairs of adult sneakers.
All-Season Single & Paired Shoes
A&E Clothing also offers full loads of all-season single and paired shoes. This product consists of all types of footwear, ranging from high heels, slippers, flip-flops, sneakers to winter boots and rubber boots, catering to both kids and adults. The quality and type of shoes is the same as in Grade 1. Unbeatable prices and fair condition make it a good opportunity in some markets.
Grade 1 used shoes are packed in sealed, 50 lb (22.5 kg) bags. Single/Mixed shoes are also packed in 50 lb bags. All kinds of packaging that we use are specially designed to keep dust and moisture away and avoid any damage during transportation and unloading. Each single package is a mix of sizes and colors. Name brands shoes are evenly distributed in all bags
Used shoes are usually shipped together with clothing lines products. However, shoes can also be sold by the container-load in 20 ft or 40 ft containers.